Cyber Securityfor Wine Factories

Did you know that wine cellars are one of the main objectives in La Rioja?

Protegemos de ciberataques tus activos económicos, información y reputación

Anticipate and avoid having a security incident on your website, online store, ERP, your computer equipment or servers.

“En el mundo de las bodegas familiares el uso de las TIC es fundamental. La seguridad de nuestra web y tienda virtual no es algo que debamos descuidar. Pensábamos que la seguridad era cara y sólo para grandes empresas que pudieran permitírselo…». Eduardo Lezaun - Bodegas Lezaun

The three main attacks suffered by wine factories

CEO fraud

The impersonation of the CEO causes theft, economic and reputational losses due to misunderstandings with our clients or our employees.

Information hijacking and rescue

Encriptación de la información mediante correo con virus para pedir posteriormente un rescate.

Data theft

Data theft by external or even internal attacks due to voluntary or involuntary oversight of our employees.

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An external audit to know, among other aspects:

  • If your website or online store are at risk.
  • If there is sensitive public information on the internet about it.
  • If employees can be a security problem.

Una auditoría interna en la que revisaremos

  • If the systems and access to information are well configured
  • If the measures in case of suffering an attack are good enough
  • If the level of awareness and training of employees is adequate.

Security is not a service only for large companies. We want to be your ally for your peace of mind.
