ISO 27001 Certification: What is it, what is it for and what are its benefits?

Aug 27, 2024 | Regulations

The digital world is increasingly competitive and forces us to look for ways to differentiate ourselves from the competition. But it is no longer just about implementing marketing or advertising strategies; it is essential to go further and focus on key aspects that can really make a difference. This factor we are referring to is the way in which we protect customer data. Securing the privacy of customers, suppliers or partners is crucial to scale your business.

From SSH Team we recommend you to consider the implementation of an Information Security Management System, which can be certifiable, such as ISO 27001. A below, we explain what is ISO 27001 certificationwhat it is, what it is for and how it can benefit your company.

What is ISO 27001 certification?

What is ISO 27001?

Imagine that all your company's data is in a safe, ISO 27001 is the guide that teaches you how to protect it, ensuring that only the right people have the key. ISO 27001 is an international standard that guides you in creating an Information Security Management System (ISMS). Think of it as a set of rules and measures that ensure that every corner of your company, from computers to staff, is prepared to keep information secure and act on any potential risks. It helps organizations protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.

What is it for?

ISO 27001 has a clear purpose: to protect information. This includes both internal company data and confidential information from customers, suppliers and other partners. By implementing ISO 27001, a company establishes a comprehensive system to identify and manage the risks associated with information security.

With ISO 27001 certification, we will not only be protecting information, but we will also be prepared to respond appropriately to possible threats. It's like having an emergency plan: you'll be ready to act quickly if a risk arises.

How does ISO 27001 benefit your company?

27001 certification has great benefits for organizations beyond security.

  1. Comply with legal requirements: Nowadays information security is a critical issue, there are more and more laws to comply with to ensure adequate data protection. ISO 27001 also facilitates compliance with other regulations and standards, such as GDPR.
  2. Customer confidence: Taking data protection seriously with certified methods enhances company reputation and customer confidence. More and more methods of information theft are emerging, so it is essential to have this aspect covered so that customers can trust us with their data.
  3. Competitive advantage: Having ISO 27001 can be a differentiating factor with your competitors. If a customer is deciding between two suppliers, he is likely to opt for the company that offers greater security through an international certificate.
  4. Reduce costs: ISO 27001 helps us reduce risks and incidents, which can cost us large amounts of money. Investing in this certification is a way to prevent future expenses derived from security breaches.


How do you implement ISO 27001 certification?

Let's be honest, obtaining the 27001 certification takes dedication and effort, it requires different steps that are detailed below:

  • Initial assessment: The first step is to perform a security risk assessment of your company. This involves identifying what information needs protection and what threats could affect it.
  • ISMS Design: The next step is to design the Information Security Management System (ISMS). This includes creating policies and procedures that address the identified risks.
  • Implementation: Once the ISMS has been designed, it is time to implement it. This means putting the designed policies and controls into practice, making sure that everyone in the company follows the new guidelines.
  • Internal audit: Before seeking official certification, conduct an internal audit to ensure that everything is working properly. This will allow you to identify and correct any problems before the certification exam.
  • Certification: Finally, an external audit will be performed by an accredited certification body. If your ISMS meets the requirements of ISO 27001, your company will be certified.

At SSH Team, we are committed to the security of your company. We help you prepare for ISO 27001 certification for free thanks to the Kit Consulting grant.

In addition, the Consulting Kit offers several levels to help you implement a complete cybersecurity strategy. Contact us to start protecting your business.