Investing in cybersecurity is investing in your business future. On SSH Team we take care of the safety of your business. Consult our personalized solutions and contact us.

Cybersecurity audits

Analyze and evaluate your company security level. This is essential to be able to face any mischievous attack that can affect your business activity

Technological consultancy

We provide consultancy for establishing and organizing security measures for your company, ensuring that we comply with your information management internal politics.


We help organizations to comply with legal regulations and current ethics, assuring that your operations are inside the legal framework. 

Training and awareness

Impartimos formación en ciberseguridad, adaptada a todos los niveles organizativos. Los cursos están diseñados para que las empresas aprendan a handle digital security threats.

Software development

We develop personalized web applications and mobile solutions. We use advanced technologies to develop software that adjusts to the specific needs of each client.

Expert reports

We provide meticulous expert reports that help to clarify legal disputes related to technology and digital frauds.

Strengthening your company's digital defence

Soluciones de ciberseguridad

We are committed to guaranteeing the digital integrity of your companyOur Cybersecurity Audits are the answer against cyber threats, offering you peace of mind in a constantly changing digital world.

If you need customised solutions we can study your project