Subvención Kit Consulting SSH Team

La Subvención Kit Consulting es una iniciativa del Gobierno de España, que tiene como objetivo llevar a todas las empresas los servicios de asesoramiento para la transformación digital y la ciberseguridad empresarial.




Companies with 10 to less than 50 employees. Companies between 50 and less than 100 employees. Companies between 100 and less than 250 employees.
12.000 € 18.000 € 24.000 €

Artificial Intelligence Consulting

The main objective of this service is to provide SMEs with an artificial intelligence plan adapted to the needs of your SME. You will know the required investment and the necessary measures for its adoption. In addition, your learning in artificial intelligence techniques will be prioritized. A use case adapted to your SME will also be developed.

Amount of aid: 6000€.

Artificial Intelligence Plan Activities

  • Identification of relevant datasets for the implementation of AI algorithms, so you can have a better understanding of your SME's information.
  • Advise you on the creation of data governance protocols with AI regulations, ensuring the validity and veracity of the data when AI is applied.
  • Analyze AI tools for data management, making recommendations based on the reality and investment capacity of your SME.
  • Guide you on how AI techniques can derive valuable insights from existing data to drive strategic decision making.
  • Train you in the strategic use of AI techniques in data management.
  • Develop and execute a use case adapted to the business, related to the application of artificial intelligence.

Data Analysis Consulting (Basic)

The main objective of this service is to provide you with a basic data analysis plan adapted to the needs of your SME. You will know the investment required and the necessary measures for its adoption. In addition, we will prioritize your learning in processes for data extraction and analysis.

Amount of aid: 6000€.

Data analysis plan activities

  • Identify those data of your SME that improve the understanding of the available information.
  • Analyze the different options of artificial intelligence tools to exploit and visualize data, recommending the one that best suits the current situation of your SME and the investment required for its adoption.
  • Establish valuable information from data processing with artificial intelligence algorithms.
  • Advise you on the exploitation of the data through the chosen tool.
  • Optionally, it can advise you on data governance, management and quality management processes in accordance with the specifications UNE 0077 "Data Governance", UNE 0078 "Data Management" and UNE 0079 "Data Quality Management".
  • Develop and execute a use case adapted to the business in data analysis (basic level).
  • Identify opportunities or possible uses of AI in the field of data analysis.

Consulting in Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence (Advanced)

If you already have a basic data analysis system, the main objective of this service is to provide you with a more advanced analysis plan adapted to the needs of your SME. This plan will determine the investment and the necessary measures so that you can establish an advanced data analysis system in your SME, prioritizing the establishment, improvement, automation and learning processes for data extraction and analysis.

Amount of aid: 6000€.

Data analysis plan activities

  • Identify your SME's data, obtain its valuation and evaluate its use in conjunction with other sources.
  • Generate and obtain valuable information from data processing with artificial intelligence algorithms to improve data-driven decision making.
  • Provide you with advice on how to understand your SME's data and how to use data management tools.
  • Optionally, he can advise you on the evaluation of the capacity of the governance, management and data quality management processes following the UNE 0080 specification "Guide for the evaluation of the Governance, Management and Data Quality Management" and the UNE 0081 specification "Guide for the evaluation of data quality".
  • Develop and execute a use case adapted to your SME using artificial intelligence techniques in data analysis (advanced level).
  • Identify opportunities or potential uses of AI in the field of advanced data analytics.

Cybersecurity Consulting (Basic)

The main objective of this service is to provide you with a basic cybersecurity plan adapted to the specific needs of your SME. Also, to make an adapted use case. The aim is to implement the basic documentation of your Information Security Management System (ISMS) according to ISO 27001 and ENS (medium-high category).

Amount of aid: 6000€.

Activities of your basic cybersecurity plan

  • To know the current risk situation of your SME, identifying the most valuable assets and data for your activity.
  • Guarantee the continuity of your SME in the face of possible security incidents, minimizing the risk of business interruptions.
  • Develop and provide a detailed response plan for security breaches, defining protocols and specific actions in the event of a cyber-attack.
  • Define and establish, together with you, a customized cybersecurity strategy for the short and medium term.
  • Comply with regulations and security standards related to data protection and information security.
  • Prepare the basic documentation for the implementation of an ISMS (ISO27001 and ENS medium-high) for a core service offered to customers or Public Administrations.
  • Develop and execute a use case adapted to your SME using the appropriate techniques in the area of cybersecurity.
  • Identify opportunities or potential uses of AI in the cybersecurity domain.

Cybersecurity Consulting (Advanced)

You can request this Advisory Service if you already have basic security protection and a cybersecurity plan, but want to learn about more advanced protection systems.

Amount of aid: 6000€.

Activities of your advanced cybersecurity plan

  • Analyze and perform penetration tests and analysis of possible vulnerabilities in your SME knowing the technological and operational environment in which you operate.
  • Implement cybersecurity procedures and tools for the daily management of your SME. This way you will be able to prevent, detect and respond to threats.
  • Proactively protect your SMB against data-driven attacks, improving resilience and responsiveness to threats.
  • Make your employees aware of the importance of cybersecurity and foster an organizational culture focused on cybersecurity and risk management.
  • Identify opportunities or potential uses of AI in cybersecurity.
  • Develop and execute a use case adapted to your SME using the appropriate techniques in the area of cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Consulting (Preparation for Certification)

If you already have a basic security protection, an adapted plan and the basic ISMS document structure, the main objective of this service is to help you with the implementation of advanced protection systems, taking advantage of artificial intelligence capabilities and preparing you to submit your ISMS for certification.

Amount of aid: 6000€.

Activities of your advanced cybersecurity plan

  • Analyze and perform penetration tests and analysis of possible vulnerabilities in your SME knowing the technological and operational environment in which you operate.
  • Review your cybersecurity policies, plans and procedures, identifying gaps and areas for improvement.
  • Proactively protect your SME against data-driven attacks, improving resilience and threat response capabilities.
  • Make your employees aware of the importance of cybersecurity and foster an organizational culture focused on cybersecurity and risk management.
  • Prepare the documentation for you to submit for certification of your ISMS for a core service offered to customers or Public Administrations (ISO27001 and ENS medium-high, according to CCN-STIC Guide 825). Certification not included.
  • Develop and execute a use case adapted to your SME using the appropriate techniques in the area of cybersecurity.

360º Digital Transformation Consulting

The main objective of this service is to offer advice on the digital transformation of your SME, providing solutions tailored to your specific needs. We will define the necessary investment and strategic measures to be applied in each area of impact to achieve an overall improvement. In addition, innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence will be used to identify opportunities for improvement and optimize the digital transformation process.

Amount of aid: 6000€.

Digital transformation activities for your SME

  • Analyze existing business processes to identify those areas of your SME that could benefit from digitization.
  • Design and implement awareness programs to educate your employees on the strategic importance of digital transformation.
  • Evaluate the tools and technologies already in use, offering you advice to optimize their performance and align them with your digital transformation objectives.
  • Develop a clear, customized strategy that articulates specific goals, timelines and steps for digital transformation.
  • Establish a framework for continuous innovation and adaptability as digital technologies evolve.
  • Development and execution of a use case adapted to the business, using the appropriate techniques, that allows to know the advantages of the use of digital tools.
  • Identification of opportunities or possible uses of AI in the field of digital transformation.



We adjust to companies of all sizes and segments.

Recognized Innovation

TOTALSOC, our network monitoring and analysis project, was selected among the 10 most innovative solutions by INCIBE.

Competitive Price

Prices and solutions tailored to your company's needs.

Take advantage of the Consulting Kit from SSH Team